Release notes
v1.3.3 Latest
Thu, Jan 30, 25
CDI-101 Security error trying to edit Gift Aid evidence process
Thu, Nov 07, 24
CDI-99 Gift Aid Evidence importer will now show the number of successful and errored rows - so there is an overview of numbers
CDI-100 Gift Aid Evidence importer will now show the media link date (declaration made date) in ascending order - so there is oversight of old vs new
Wed, Aug 02, 23
CDI-65 Output XML after XSL transformation contains line breaks
CDI-79 Address data is URL encoded
CDI-83 GAD import: Indicator should be “written”, not “internet”
CDI-84 GAD import: Source code need to be added to batch template
CDI-85 GAD import: Address should be marked as primary
CDI-52 As a DEV, I need a proof of concept for a configurable CRM import app, so that we don’t need Brightvine or the spreadsheet.
CDI-54 As a DEVELOPER, I need to create a webform, so supporters can submit their Gift Aid declaration.
CDI-55 As a SUPPORTER, I need my personal data encoded in the URL, so that the form is populated for me.
CDI-56 As a SUPPORTER, I need my personal data decoded at the WordPress page, so that the form is populated for me.
CDI-57 As a DEVELOPER, I need to create a REST endpoint, so that the app can receive form submissions.
CDI-59 As SUPPORTER CARE, I need a process that will bulk add declarations, so I don’t have to add them manually.
CDI-60 As SUPPORTER CARE, I need a process that will bulk add media links, so I don’t have to add them manually.
CDI-61 As FUNDRAISING, I need a list of constituents (ID, Name) with their encoded form URL and QR code, so that I can send personalised emails (Campaign Monitor).
CDI-67 As a DEVELOPER, I need ‘HTTP request’ actions to have better error handling, so I know what exactly what went wrong
CDI-68 As a DEVELOPER, I need auth headers to be stored securely
CDI-72 As an ADMIN, I want to include XSLT library templates, so that I don’t have to keep re-writing code.
CDI-73 As a DEVELOPER, I need an action to load form submissions, so that I can process submitted data
CDI-76 As a DEVELOPER, I want to be able to reorder actions, so that I can build robust processes
CDI-77 As SUPPORTER CARE, I need a process that will bulk add addresses, so I don’t have to add them manually
CDI-78 As a SUPPORTER, I need to be redirected on form submit, so that I don’t get lost
CDI-81 As a SUPPORTER, I need client validation on the form, so that I know I have filled out the correct fields
CDI-82 As a SUPPORTER, I need country drop-down, so that I can select my address country
Thu, Nov 24, 22
CDI-44 As SUPPORTER CARE, I need my own user role, so that I am not fiddling with config
Fri, Oct 28, 22
CDI-40 As Wendy, I want automated GAD image loading off Sharepoint, so that I do not waste time manually loading them
CDI-32 Clean up navigation menu
CDI-23 As a CRM IO user, I need to use my ShelterBox MS login
Mon, Aug 22, 22
CDI-39 Ad-hoc query returning fields in wrong order
Mon, Apr 04, 22
CDI-37 As Wendy, I want the GAD loader automated, so that I don’t have to manually run the process(es) every Tuesday
CDI-35 As an admin, I want to bulk delete BBCRM records using a spreadsheet so it is automated
Tue, Sep 28, 21
CDI-31 As a user, I need to know what Mendix/BBCRM environment I am in, so that I know what data I am affecting
CDI-30 As Wendy, I need to know how many records I’m about to process, so that I don’t accidentally update thousands
CDI-27 As Wendy, I need to update GAD with confirmation, so we can correctly claim gift aid
CDI-26 As Wendy, I need to add GAD evidence media link to a constituent record, so we can correctly claim gift aid
CDI-18 As finance, I need to be able to distinguish adjustment records, so that I can look at revenue and adjustments separately
CDI-17 As finance, I need to be able to search records for audit purposes
CDI-16 As finance, I need to see who processed the donation, so that I can enter the data into Dimensions
CDI-15 As finance, I need checks to have a pay-in slip number, so that I can enter the full data into Dimensions
CDI-14 As finance, I only need to see the unentered revenue records, so that I can see what I need to enter clearly
CDI-13 As finance, I need to make sure CRM cannot post ended financial periods, so that I don’t get errors in Dimensions
CDI-11 As finance, I need to see revenue grouped, so that I can visually scan records quickly
CDI-10 As finance, I need to export data from Mendix, so that I can use it in excel
CDI-9 As finance, I need to see a list of revenue records, so that I can check what I need to process
CDI-6 As finance, I want to import data from BBCRM ad-hoc queries into Mendix, so that it can be displayed nicely
CDI-4 As finance, I need to know more details about the adjustment(s), so that I can generate a journal
CDI-2 As finance, I need a list of recently posted adjustments, so that I can generate a journal
CDI-1 As finance, I need a list of recently posted revenue, so that I can generate a journal
CDI-34 Release to Production
CDI-33 Write-up user guidance for gift aid evidence load process
CDI-29 Add ad-hoc query for web GAD confirmation
CDI-28 Add custom domain
CDI-5 Map out process before designing application