Release notes

Table of contents
  1. v1.4.2 Latest
  2. v1.4.1
  3. v1.4.0
  4. v1.3.4
  5. v1.3.3
  6. v1.3.2
  7. v1.3.1
  8. v1.3.0
  9. v1.2.4
  10. v1.2.3
  11. v1.2.2
  12. v1.2.1
  13. v1.2.0
  14. v1.1.9
  15. v1.1.8
  16. v1.1.7
  17. v1.1.6
  18. v1.1.5
  19. v1.1.4
  20. v1.1.2
  21. v1.1.1
  22. v1.1.0
  23. v1.0.1
  24. v1.0.0

v1.4.2 Latest

Mon, Aug 05, 24


PG-635 As SUPPORTER CARE, I need a re-designed batch admin page that is more optimised, so that the app is more stable

PG-671 As SUPPORTER CARE, I want all revenue “Collected from others” to be designated under Community

PG-715 As SUPPORTER CARE, I want to be able to control the prompt text for the reason for donation options, so that the wording makes sense

PG-716 As SUPPORTER CARE, I need the pull designation button to appear, so that I can refresh designations when new ones are added in CRM


Thu, May 16, 24


PG-702 We fixed a bug which caused the Gift Aid Declaration “made date” incorrect.

PG-704 Ladder amounts are now validated on duration change.


PG-553 We added an improved regression testing framework to make bugs easier to identify in future releases.

PG-706 The Gift Voucher amount and date are now made available to Campaign Monitor for receipt emails.

PG-711 The amount selection on the Gifting page is now prevented from going below the minimum amount.

PG-712 The validation error for the minimum gift amount now includes the total minimum amount, not just the minimum per month.

PG-713 The custom amount number spinner buttons now trigger validation.


Thu, May 09, 24


PG-669 Change wording for e-card email box

PG-690 Voucher code not displaying on thank you page

PG-705 Donation confirmation texts displaying twice in journey edit page

PG-708 Revenue split recognition credits not set correctly for Book Club Gifting

PG-709 Revenue ‘Reference’ field should be populated by Book Club Gift voucher code

PG-710 Solicit code opt-in not adding for Book Club Gift batch


PG-636 As a GIFT PURCHASER, I want to be able to buy a gift voucher, so that I can give Book Club to someone else.

PG-692 As SUPPORTER CARE, I want gift voucher codes on the supporters constituent record as an alternate lookup ID, so that I can quickly find records.

PG-694 As a HEAD BOOKWORM, I want the slider to be removed, as I find it confusing.

PG-695 As a HEAD BOOKWORM, I want the wording above the duration buttons to be changed, so that it it correct.

PG-696 As a HEAD BOOKWORM, I want the wording under the amount to be changed, so that it it correct.

PG-699 As HEAD BOOKWORM, I want an optional note at the top of each address section, so that I can add guidance.

PG-700 As HEAD BOOKWORM, I want to be able to turn off the own money question, as it is not relevant to gifting.

PG-701 As HEAD BOOKWORM, I need gifting duration placeholders in the donation confirmation texts, so that generated messaging is clear.


Mon, Apr 22, 24


PG-640 Created date cloning on Journey

PG-645 Gift aid is visible for Canada

PG-646 Email opt out is not editable

PG-647 Email opt out solicit code not applied

PG-650 Non localised spelling in field label for Rotary membership

PG-651 “Country” control appears twice

PG-653 Constituent batch not matching projected total

PG-657 Error thrown by regex action for confirmation text for Canada

PG-658 Constituent DeDupe/Batch Exception Handling not working

PG-668 Braintree subscriptions attempts to batch with its payment method token, which is not filled in and causes an error.

PG-675 Pending Group Memberships present even if none are to be resolved.

PG-676 Extra charges that calculated to having more than 2 decimal places causes an error in braintree

PG-677 Business process in revenue batch pull failing in Canada environment

PG-683 Braintree subscription first payment date doesn’t actually control the first payment date in Braintree or CRM

PG-684 First payment date is missing from the donation view/edit page for Braintree subscriptions

PG-685 Braintree subscription does not fill card country of issuance (COI) in CRM

PG-693 After start-up action failing


PG-371 As a CANADIAN, I want to automatically send a card for IMo donations to an email address.

PG-496 Editable disclaimer / restricted income text

PG-497 As a DONOR, I want to be able to cover the transaction fees in my donation, so that ShelterBox is not put of pocket.

PG-622 As a DONOR, I want to be able to choose the day that my recurring payment is taken, so that I can manage my payments.

PG-642 As the HEAD BOOKWORM I want some small legal text under the form, so that I can make sure that people understand.

PG-643 As HEAD BOOKWORM, I want the terms and conditions error message to be appropriate

PG-644 As a donor, I want the donation confirmation text to be journey specific, so that it is not confusing.

PG-648 As a CANADIAN, I want to be able to type in my own source codes, to I don’t have to add them in CRM.

PG-655 As a CANADIAN, I want to be able to switch the constituent for the revenue record to the oBo constituent

PG-656 As a CANADIAN, I want to give credit to the Rotary Club that the donor is a member of

PG-659 As SUPPORTER CARE, I need to see exception batches in the app, so that I know when a batchset is complete

PG-660 As a WEBSITE MANAGER, I want code added so that I can use HotJar tracking.

PG-665 As SUPPORTER CARE, I need to be able to control the billing and shipping address type from the journey category, so that there is consistency with data in CRM

PG-666 As SUPPORTER CARE, I need to control the ‘EFT status’ code and ‘account type’ code for bank accounts, so that we can match them to our processing filters

PG-667 As a CANADIAN, I want solicit code source to be populated with my own source codes, so that I can track preferences

PG-672 As a DEVELOPER, I need to update Braintree drop-in UI to the latest version, so that we can stay compliant to 3DS

PG-673 As a DEVELOPER, I need to update Braintree Java library to the latest version, so that we can stay compliant to 3DS


Thu, Mar 07, 24


PG-674 Address validation preventing users from progressing


Thu, Jan 04, 24


PG-661 Payment method incorrect and no Braintree reference


PG-376 As a SUPPORTER CARER, I want PG to handle overlapping YES/NO Gift Aid Declarations, so that I do not have to


PG-662 Add admin button to set all journeys ‘Batch mapping’ to match the global settings


Thu, Dec 28, 23


PG-368 As a CANADIAN, I want to accept recurring card payments

PG-489 As a CANADIAN, I want to be able to change the “OwnMoney” label and prompt text, so that it is appropriate to my audience.

PG-621 As a CANADIAN DONOR, I want an opt-out tickbox, so that I don’t get mail, email or phone calls

PG-623 As CANADA, I want additional revenue attributes to be populated, so that I can add them to my data


Mon, Nov 20, 23


PG-481 Address validation feedback.

PG-488 Bad en-CA translations.

PG-516 Terms and Conditions not saving.

PG-517 Book slider missing on initial page load.

PG-518 Book slider icon misaligned from steps.

PG-519 Missing space in donation text.

PG-520 Journey Category not correctly saving.

PG-521 Breadcrumb text is wrong colour.

PG-522 Not all donation fields should be mandatory if it is Bookclub.

PG-523 Empty title says “More…” in batch admin

PG-529 Existing solicit code end dates are set to day of donation, not the previous day.

PG-530 Bookclub Slider breaking selection options.

PG-532 Category save error.

PG-533 Clicking next when the amount is too low should not allow progress to the next page and should display a validation error.

PG-542 Unknown sort code revenue batch error.

PG-545 Email template tokens causing admin errors.

PG-546 Audit template needs updating.

PG-549 Revenue batch not pulling back.

PG-617 Custom amount does not get cleared when an ask ladder amount is selected.

PG-624 Accordion ‘continue’ title button not appearing for some sections.

PG-625 More bad en-CA translations.

PG-626 Page title and favicon.

PG-627 Canada batch template does not work due to specified fields in request not found in the template.

PG-628 Gift Aid declaration not adding.

PG-632 Terms and Conditions agreement is duplicating into the prominent/not prominent list.

PG-634 NO GAD start date.

PG-639 Thank you page template tokens.


PG-195 As a SOMEONE, I need the Gift Aid wording to be stored in the database, so that I can update it when I want.

PG-359 As a CANADIAN, I need to specify amounts in CAD, so that I can donate in the right currency.

PG-360 As a CANADIAN, I want the email solicit code to default to OPT IN, because data proctection is different.

PG-361 As a CANADIAN, I want the phone number country to default to Canada.

PG-362 As a CANADIAN, I want the address search to search Canadian addresses.

PG-363 As a CANADIAN, I want “County” to read “Province”.

PG-364 As a CANADIAN, I want to hide the Gift Aid section.

PG-365 As a CANADIAN, I want all Canadian Rotary Clubs added to CRM.

PG-369 As a CANADIAN, I want to know if a donor is a member of a Rotary Club, so I can manage this in CRM.

PG-370 As a CANADIAN, I want to know how a donor heard about us.

PG-400 As SHELTERBOX I want to import currencies to Payment Gateway rather than manually enter everything.

PG-412 As a CANADIAN, I want the “County” and “Postcode” translations to be set in settings, not by locale, so that it always displays regardless of locale.

PG-487 As a CANADIAN, I don’t want to ask for a donor’s title, as I don’t need to know.

PG-492 Rotary search list only displays 5 results so you cannot select a club where there are 6 or more similar names.

PG-493 As a CANADIAN, I want to use my own batch templates, so that the data goes in the right place.

PG-498 As a FUNDRAISER, I want to be able to disable the “how did you hear” fields, so that the form is shorter.

PG-499 As a FUNDRAISER, I want the order of the Phone and Email fields to be swapped, so that the email is prioritised.

PG-500 As a FUNDRAISER, I want an opt-in for the phone number, so that I can use it for telemarketing.

PG-501 Setting default donation prompt manually - on page load.

PG-503 As a BOOK CLUB ADMIN, I want to be able to specify my own terms and conditions, so that they are appropriate to Book Club.

PG-504 As a BOOK CLUB ADMIN, I want to specify an amount that is not included in the Gift Aid calculation, so that I can exclude trading income.

PG-505 As a BOOK CLUB ADMIN, I want to have my own admin page so that my subscribers do not get mixed up with donations.

PG-506 As a BOOK CLUB ADMIN, I want to be able to select a special amount select page, so that is is appropriate for BC.

PG-507 As an ADMIN, I want a way to mark all empty journeys with a category, so all journeys are better organised.

PG-508 As an ADMIN, I need to be able to specify different settings for direct debit dates, so that subscribers do not get free books.

PG-509 As DIGITAL, I want to filter journeys by their category, so that I can organise them.

PG-510 As a BOOK CLUB ADMIN, I want to categorise journeys so that the list is not cluttered.

PG-511 As a DEV, I want the app to be on MX9, so that it has the latest features.

PG-512 As a BOOK CLUB ADMIN, I want the Book Club import template to include the revenue split, so that the data is loaded properly.

PG-524 As SUPPORTER CARE, I want the constituent batch pull-back to be optimised, so that I don’t have to wait a long time.

PG-526 As DIGITAL, I need to control the minimum donation amount on journey categories, so ShelterBox don’t lose money on Bookclub memberships.

PG-527 Book club wording change.

PG-528 As a DONOR, I want to provide a separate shipping address to my billing address, so that I can receive my books at a different address.

PG-531 As a DEV, I want all outgoing email to be send via Campaign Monitor, so I don’t have to create templates.

PG-534 As a BOOK CLUB ADMIN, I want the Book Club logo to be displayed in the centre of the title bar on full screen pages.

PG-535 As a BOOK CLUB ADMIN, I need a checkbox to ensure that the subscriber is signing up on their own behalf, so they do not try to make gift subscriptions.

PG-536 As a DONOR, I should be able to click the next section to progress down the form.

PG-537 As an ADMIN, I want to be able to move the GAD form to just before the “Pay Now” button on the Direct Debit page and the card payment page.

PG-538 As a DONOR, I want the “Pay now” button on the direct debit page to read “Confirm direct debit”.

PG-539 As a BOOK CLUB SUBSCRIBER, I want the “Boost your donation…” text to be different for Book Club, so that it is not confusing.

PG-540 As a DONOR, I want to be able to submit a NO GAD, so that I am not bothered in the future.

PG-541 As a DONOR, I want the direct debit start date to be labelled “Direct Debit first payment date”, so that I am not confused.

PG-547 As a SUPPORTER CARER, I want to specify a list of constituencies to add to a donor, so that I can track them.

PG-630 As a DEVELOPER, I need the queue log to automatically clear, so that the app stays healthy.

PG-631 As a SUPPORTER, I want the page to automatically scroll to the topmost error message when any validation errors occur, so that I know there are validation errors.


Wed, May 17, 23


  • PG-475 We did some extensive testing of Apple Pay in sandbox mode.
  • PG-479 We added a new setting to allow discrete payment methods to be disabled without requiring the app to be restarted.


Tue, Apr 04, 23


PG-301 Gift Aid declaration indicator should be “Written” not “Internet”.

PG-309 Using a keyboard number pad on donation custom amount will enter decimal point incorrectly on.

PG-332 Manual entry of address is not validated.

PG-384 Donation amount not formatted properly in thank you email (no trailing zero).

PG-407 Gift Aid declaration ‘Scanned Document Exists’ box not being ticked.

PG-428 ‘Thank You’ test page using old layout.

PG-429 Navigation security improvement.

PG-430 “I’d prefer not to say” title is being loaded into CRM.

PG-439 Cannot progress if there are no Rotary clubs to select.

PG-440 Collected from a fundraising event/sponsorship label text is confusing.

PG-442 Parts of page layout missing trust signals.

PG-443 Legal footer text missing (ShelterBox Trust is a …).

PG-449 Email addresses fail validation if there is leading or trailing whitespace.

PG-451 Phone number should not be mandatory.

PG-453 Reason for donation “Other” flag is miscalculating batch totals.

PG-457 Console error when displaying ‘Thank you’ page.

PG-464 Error occurs when saving donation from edit page.

PG-465 Solicit code records missing source code value.

PG-474 Cannot delete donations.

PG-483 If Rotary club search field left blank, the user can not progress the form.


PG-299 As a SUPPORTER CARE user, I want the batch admin screen to dynamically change, so it doesn’t matter what sized screen I am working on.

PG-326 As a SUPPORTER CARE user, I want the list of journeys to be longer, so that I don’t have to use the paging buttons.

PG-327 As a DIGITAL user, I need placeholders set up, so I can include the direct debit and Gift Aid details in an email for the donor.

PG-356 As a SUPPORTER CARE user, I need batches to order-by date descending, so that I see the most recent batches first.

PG-394 As a DONOR, I want my consent cookies to be copied from the website, so that I don’t have to consent again.

PG-419 As a DEVELOPER, I need better logging of responses from Braintree, so that I can debug issues with transactions.

PG-420 As a DONOR, I want a better message if my payment was not confirmed, so I don’t donate twice.

PG-422 As a DEVELOPER, I need a custom ID field attached to Braintree transactions, so that I can match the data in the event of it going missing.

PG-431 As a SUPPORTER CARE user, I need a view of failed donations, so that I can contact the donor to resolve the issue.

PG-436 As a SUPPORTER CARE user, I want to import the solicit codes in the revenue batch, so I have one less batch to handle.

PG-437 As a DONOR, I want the ShelterBox logo in the top left of the navigation to link back to the site homepage, so that I can find my way back.

PG-473 As FINANCE, I need the application to only load relevant Gift Aid declarations, so that CRM isn’t overloaded with declarations.

PG-476 As a SUPPORTER CARE user, I want to be able to limit the maximum size of batches, so that I don’t overload the connection to CRM.

PG-484 As a DEVELOPER, I need to update Mendix version to 8.18.24, so that the application stays secure.


Mon, Dec 19, 22


PG-467 Payment form is not accepting custom amounts.


Tue, Dec 06, 22


PG-450 Donations missing individual object


Tue, Oct 04, 22


PG-424 Mac (Chrome and Firefox) - Postcode and org/group drop-down search not working

PG-423 Email validation

PG-404 Bug: Empty batches appearing in the Batch Column

PG-354 Bug: Warning messages need updating to reflect the re-design of the batch admin area

PG-336 Bug: “Other reason for the donation” tooltip is not visible on mobile devices

PG-304 Once all batches are committed the group remains in active until the page is refreshed

PG-293 Warning messages are confusing for users

PG-266 Unbatched donations list does not update after batching


PG-416 As a DIGITAL PERSON, I want extra wording to appear on the donation form for certain journeys, so that I can make restrictions clear to the donor.

PG-381 As a DONOR, I want the app to be full page after page 1, so that I am not tempted to navigate away.

PG-314 As a Shelterbox, I want to validate for a minimum donation, so that I am not out of pocket.


Fri, Aug 26, 22


PG-413 Bug: Duplicate DD account causing error

PG-406 Bug: Financial Institution/Sort Code error on Payment Gateway


Mon, Jul 18, 22


PG-399 Donations are getting declined due to 3DS


Mon, Jul 18, 22


PG-397 Bug: Blank donations appearing

PG-372 Bug: Audit warning message for clearing donations appears even when the selected option is ‘No’


PG-389 As Fresh Egg, I need to GA4 widget to use GTM and data layer, so that it works with our reporting

PG-383 Delay deletion of exported donation records until the export file has been checked and accepted.


Fri, Jun 24, 22


PG-391 Bug: Google Analytics timeout on thankyou page

PG-388 Bug: Batching Error - unable to ‘confirm committed’


PG-393 As a Donor, I need to be challenged by 3DS, so that I can successfully donate

PG-382 As a Donor, I want to be able to consent to cookies within the PaymentGateway directly, so my rights are protected


Fri, Jun 17, 22


PG-396 More missing translations for en-US


Fri, Jun 17, 22


PG-395 Missing translations for en-US


Tue, Jun 07, 22


PG-387 3DSv2 challenge should be explicitly called when making a card payment

PG-386 Error message should be more explicit when a card payment fails.

PG-385 Refresh Braintree client Nonce when a transaction fails.


Wed, May 25, 22


PG-373 As a USER, I want the thank you page to be easier to read, so that I can read it easier.


PG-375 Disable Apple pay


Fri, Dec 17, 21


PG-358 As FINANCE, I need some more card payment details in the export, so that I can calculate the fees.

PG-357 Can go back from thank you page on to the submitted forms

PG-355 Bug: Production Links to CRM go to Staging

PG-344 Error when pulling back revenue batch

PG-341 Bug: Admin error on single donation

PG-340 Bug: Solicit code count is miscalculated when the batch is refreshed and re-created

PG-338 Bug: Clicking on ‘Next: Payment >” on a phone jumps the screen down to “Donate Now”

PG-330 Bug: Some data for Deceased and Inactive constituents is not importing

PG-328 Bug: Media links are being duplicated onto a record

PG-323 Bug: Thank you page redirect loads within the iFrame

PG-322 Misalignment of the donation box on the Monthly tab on some browsers

PG-320 Bug: Cross Browser Issue - The ‘Enter Amount’ text becomes misaligned on some browsers

PG-319 Error when paying with Google Pay

PG-318 Bug: Error when making a PayPal payment

PG-313 Heading levels are not consistent

PG-310 Error when selecting organisation type

PG-302 Change the Default State of Batches to Collapsed rather than Uncollapsed

PG-298 Error on monthly revenue batch push

PG-296 Email consent text does not reflect the consent statement in the backend.

PG-292 Bug: Users can specifiy own Rotary Club Name

PG-291 About Your Donation Section Changes

PG-290 Disable Apple Pay until it works

PG-289 Text Change: Is this a personal gift from you…

PG-288 Text Change: Change the text Location to Country

PG-286 Admin error on Safari

PG-285 Batch header row count does not match the number of rows

PG-284 Bug: When pushing batch to CRM generates a warning a batch is still created in CRM

PG-282 Bug: Solicit codes missing source code

PG-281 Organisation location gets emptied

PG-277 Bug: Donation filters override one another in the batch admin

PG-270 Text Change: Continue Button

PG-269 Text Change: Donate X to Donate >

PG-268 Google analytics not triggering page views on mobile

PG-265 Batches by date create an empty duplicate batchset for single frequency

PG-264 Batch sets with no batches are moved to complete

PG-263 Date filter on donations list does not include current day

PG-262 Alternate lookup ID errors

PG-261 Margin issues

PG-260 Duplicate/old values from CRM in PG

PG-257 The alt lookup id name (website donation reference) is derived from both a constant and a database value, leading to inconsistency

PG-255 Title drop-down sort order

PG-254 Title drop-down more option not working

PG-250 Not all source codes come from the journey

PG-249 Solicit code statement attribute length is too short

PG-247 Text Change: Is this your own money?

PG-242 Accessibility: Email Opt-In

PG-241 Accessibility: ShelterBox Contact Information

PG-239 Accessibility: Placeholder text needs adding to the postcode search box

PG-238 Accessibility: Alt Text to be Added for Logos

PG-237 Accessibility: Brand Grey to Darkened

PG-234 Gift Aid amount sometimes doesn’t get recalculated.

PG-232 BatchAdmin cannot delete journey

PG-230 Group/Organisation not coming through audit

PG-218 Supporter care cannot batch today’s donations

PG-217 Hide the option to select the Country for searchable Orgs/Groups when donating on behalf of them.

PG-216 As an APPLICATION, I need the custom journey URL to use the custom domain - not the Mendix domain, so that the IFrame can load the page

PG-210 Form fields formatting

PG-209 Increased organisation button width

PG-208 Increased whitespace between form fields

PG-207 Initial donation page amends

PG-206 Form fields – bolding of text

PG-205 Mobile payment page – text alignment

PG-204 Mobile – first page - text alignment

PG-203 The breadcrumb navigation numbers don’t seem to update

PG-200 ‘Your details’ shows twice in the breadcrumb navigation (across all views)

PG-199 Organisation field label

PG-198 Can ‘country’ be the last address field in the list

PG-197 Find address input field width

PG-192 Please can the following approved Gift Aid wording be used for the form

PG-191 The reasons for donation settings tab is labelled “Page 10”

PG-185 Country name “Irish Republic” not recognised for Braintree

PG-165 Thousands separator should be applied everywhere the amount is displayed

PG-137 If Braintree returns error, show something other than Admin error

PG-132 Auth code stored in wrong field

PG-84 Braintree payment steps are confusing

PG-81 On behalf selection buttons text should be bold.


PG-353 Bug: Add the need help text + phone number (in footer) to first page of the donate form

PG-348 As a Finance user, I want to see the payment card’s country of issuance so that I can identify cards issued outside of the UK and apply the correct fee to the donation.

PG-333 As a Finance user, I want to be able to see the type of card used by a donor, so I can more easily track and reconcile the transactions.

PG-331 As a Digital User, I want to be able to specify different designations for single and monthly donations, so that I can control how donations are attributed.

PG-324 As a Digital user, I need to set up different thank you emails for monthly and single donation journeys to tailor the journey to the donor.

PG-317 As DIGITAL I want more Ecommerce events tracked to understand conversions easier

PG-316 Re-enable Apple Pay

PG-307 Privacy policy link opens in frame not new window

PG-305 Batches re-design

PG-295 As a SUPPORTER CARER, I want the list of unbatched donations to be filtered by the same controls as the batching, so that I can see what I am going to batch.

PG-287 As a DONOR, I want my donation receipt, so that I know what the transaction is

PG-272 As SUPPORTER CARE, I want the batch settings to better reflect on donations, so that I am in control of how donations are input into CRM

PG-267 As a SUPPORTER CARER, I want to be able to limit the batching to a certain date range, so I can account for financial periods.

PG-259 As a DIGITAL PERSON, I want to be able to create journeys that only have one frequency, so that I can cater for all campaigns

PG-258 As a GIFT AID PERSON, I want the Gift Aid Declaration status set to Active, so that I can report accurately

PG-256 As a FUNDRAISER, I need to be able to specify a different source code for single and monthly frequencies, so that I can track them properly

PG-252 As a FUNDRAISER, I need to be able to duplicate a journey, so I can create similar ones easily.

PG-248 Add Google pay merchant ID constant

PG-243 As the Digital Team I want completed transactions to be recorded by Google Analytics Ecommerce

PG-225 As an ADMIN, I want the configuration to be documented, so I know what I am doing

PG-221 As a DONOR, I don’t want to see the GA box if the money is from someone else, so that I can’t select it.

PG-219 As a SUPPORTER CARER, I want to be warned that the Bank Validation has failed, so that I know to check the API key.

PG-202 As a DONOR, I want the option to enter an address manually, in case I can’t work the lookup.

PG-201 As a GENEROUS DONOR, I want custom messaging needed for large donation amounts, so I feel appreciated.

PG-196 As a DONOR, I want the list of titles sorted in a better order, so that I can find my title more easily.

PG-190 As a DIGITAL PERSON, I want to Google Analytics integration, so that I can see how people use the gateway.

PG-187 As a SUPPORTER CARER, I need a way to tidy up broken batch sets, so that I can get rid of ones that I have resolved.

PG-184 As a DONOR, I need the Braintree widget to support 3DSv2, so that my donations are not declined

PG-183 As a FUNDRAISER I need to have custom story messages and set the value ranges they should appear between

PG-179 As a fundraiser, I need the Payment Type (e.g. Apple, Google, etc) stored so I know which is most successful

PG-172 As a supporter care user, I need my batch to validate properly so I can find duplicates

PG-154 As FINANCE, I might want some kind of audit of the donations, so that I can reconcile them

PG-127 As an Admin I need to be able to customise the Story Messages relating to donation amounts

PG-126 Update postcode lookup module

PG-75 As a FUNDRAISER, I need to be able to customise which amounts are displayed, so that they remain appropriate.

PG-48 As a donor, I need to be able to donate on behalf of a specific event or activity so I can say where the money came from

PG-42 As a SUPPORTER CARER, I need bank details to be validated, so that I don’t have to correct them later.

PG-35 As a FUNDRAISER, I need the ability to send different automated emails to users depending on what form fields were completed

PG-34 As a FUNDRAISER, I need the ability to set different thank you pages depending on appeal configuration

PG-31 As a FUNDRAISER, I need to be able to customise which payment frequencies are displayed and default, so that they are appropriate for my campaign.

PG-27 As a FUNDRAISER, I want to be able to have different forms, so I can support multiple fundraising streams

PG-26 As a FUNDRAISER, I need source codes to be stored in CRM based on the entrypoint, so that I can track my campaigns.

PG-9 As an INTERNATIONAL FUNDRAISER, I need the data collected using my entrypoint to be stored in my site in CRM, so that my donor’s data is protected.

PG-8 As an INTERNATIONAL FUNDRAISER, I need a different entrypoint for each International Team, so that I can tailor the experience accordingly.

PG-7 As a FUNDRAISER, I need the Appeal stored in CRM, so that I monitor the performance of my campaigns.

PG-6 As a FUNDRAISER, I need a different entrypoint for each Appeal, so that I can tailor the experience accordingly.


Tue, Nov 23, 21


PG-178 On behalf org search box is too specific

PG-170 GAD media link not working

PG-164 Focusable elements are missing keyboard

PG-163 Visible field labels

PG-162 Tab order needs checking

PG-159 Custom amount entry should be forced from a text type to a number type

PG-158 Batch set headers are not consistent

PG-157 Batch processing buttons are obscure

PG-152 GAD start date not calculated properly

PG-151 Solicit code not added when box is ticked

PG-150 Processor start date is the day before the donation date, but should be the same.

PG-148 Phone number is wrong at bottom of payment pages

PG-147 Committed batches in CRM not showing as committed in App

PG-142 Bad email warning showing for all direct debits

PG-136 Not all workflow state users are pulled from BBCRM

PG-135 Designation tab language translation issues

PG-134 Postcode lookup search styling

PG-133 Postcode lookup search/retrieve error

PG-128 Carter hardcoded the Braintree Id and we need it to be in a constant

PG-125 When I click Continue at the Address stage I am taken to the BOTTOM of the ABOUT YOUR DONATION section.

PG-123 Gift Aid – the only donations that should be ‘excluded from gift aid’ …

PG-122 Processor start dates for some reason were all dated the 3rd August, but all the donations I was working on were dated 4th August (and I was committing on the 4th August).

PG-119 Blank solicit code batches are being created when there are no solicit codes to add. Can we change it so that a batch doesn’t get created at all if there are none to add?

PG-115 Direct Debit sign up – the box that says ‘I confirm I am the account holder and authorised to set up DDs from this account’ – its not a required field

PG-108 Any donation that has been provided ‘on behalf of’ someone else or another organsiation reqires 2 x records to be entered…

PG-85 Braintree payment form placeholders are confusing


PG-121 • Blank solicit code batches are being created when there are no solicit codes to add. Can we change it so that a batch doesn’t get created at all if there are none to add?

PG-120 • Constituent batch in CRM – never gave me any option to de-dupe supporter who were definitely already in the database with either same name, email address or address. Likewise with the group/org. lead to multiple new records being created.

PG-118 Capitalisation of names. If use lower case on the website, it goes into CRM as lower case. Example 8-10332215

PG-116 Direct Debit sign up – can it reject invalid sort codes to prevent incorrect bank details getting through to us?

PG-113 Donation / Monthly gift sign up confirmation page blank at the end

PG-112 ‘Is this your own money?’ – I think the wording of this question might be a little misleading to supporters.

PG-111 Reason for donation drop down – not sure what this is going to be used for?

PG-110 All donations had the inbound channel of Community Fundraising. Assume this will change when launched?

PG-109 Would it be possible for donation data to be exported before batch entry?

PG-107 When pressing the ‘Add to Selected batch’ button on a donation I sent it through to the incorrect batch a few times as I wasn’t sure which batch was ‘selected’. Could we introduce a more obvious way of highlihting which batch is selected?

PG-106 If you have a fault that comes up during the ‘Push Batch to CRM’ step

PG-105 When I tried using, ‘Credit Card Batch’ it required me to add ‘card type’.

PG-104 As process takes you straigth through to comitment stag in CRM there’s no step to de-dupe data. This meant records were being duplicated i.e. 8-10332174 & 8-10294074 (in staging).

PG-103 The following pop up came up after entering all Direct Debits including those with an email.

PG-102 Is there a possibility of splitting donations by source code/designation/date etc rather than having to populate each donation to a batch header via the ‘add to batch’ button? On a busy donation day.

PG-101 There are 3 x Gift Aid Questions that go with any donation. These are possible taken care by other fields (donating on your behalf etc) but it’s a move from tradition and may need to check with GA team.

PG-100 3) On the ‘About your Donation’ step – your currently navigsated to the bottom of the page – where the gift aid question is – rather than the top where the ‘Is this donation your own money’ question is. Supporters may miss this.

PG-63 Who processes donations from international teams?


PG-176 As a keyboard user, I want to be able to select fields in the Braintree widget, so that I can continue to ignore my mouse.

PG-175 As a keyboard user, I want to be able to select addresses using cursor keys, so that it is consistent with standard behaviour

PG-173 As a Donor, I need to be able to pay with ApplePay/GooglePay/PayPal so I don’t have to use Credit Cards only

PG-171 As a BatchAdmin I want to be able to select what message to display on the Thank You Page.

PG-169 As a SUPPORTER CARER, I need donations from international donors to be given the designation GENSBI, so that they are accounted for properly

PG-168 As a SUPPORTER CARER, I need to be able to fix/remove batches, so that I can resolve problems

PG-167 As a SUPPORTER CARER, I want to be able to batch only some types of donations, so that something

PG-156 As a WENDY, I want Rotary (and related) clubs to be selected from a list and not free text, so that I don’t create duplicates

PG-155 As a USER, I want checkboxes to have a green border on focus, so that I can see what is selected

PG-153 As a SUPPORTER CARER, I want to be able to filter the donations list by date, for some reason

PG-149 As a SUPPORTER CARER, I want names entered all in lowercase or UPPERCASE to be corrected, so that they get better looking correspondance.

PG-144 As a DEV, I want email failures to be logged, so that I can debug them

PG-140 As a FUNDRAISER, I need the reason for a donation to be recorded in CRM, so that I know why someone donated.

PG-130 As a SUPPORTER CARER, I need the card transaction reference stored in CRM, so that I can reconcile it more easily.

PG-124 Income attribution – designations: donations are currently all going into Blackbaud as GENIND which is the IG income

PG-117 Improve autogrouping /batching/viewing

PG-99 If start date of the direct debit is less than 2 weeks away can we make it unavailable to choose or generate the next date that is is available as on current website?

PG-98 Mr, Mrs, Ms and Miss – can these be at the top of the drop down for those that prefer to use drop downs or miss the automated entry box.

PG-78 As a DONOR, I want the address lookup to be clear, so I am not confused.

PG-77 As a DONOR, I only want to choose from common titles, so that I can find my title.

PG-74 As a DONOR, I want the payment frequency button text to be the same on active and inactive states, for some reason.

PG-70 As a DONOR, I need to be able to go back and change my amount selection, so I can fix mistakes.

PG-29 As a FUNDRAISER, I need to be able to edit thank you emails, so they are up to date.


Fri, Jun 25, 21


PG-129 Emails.enviroment constant is unnecessarily unclear

PG-89 Failed email causes error in processing

PG-88 permission error when selecting country logged in as admin

PG-86 Add constituent financial account form timeout

PG-83 Braintree form is not full width

PG-82 Amount is not zero padded on Gift Aid form.

PG-79 Validation needed on “on behalf of” fields

PG-76 Custom amount not reflected on next page

PG-72 Custom amount should be padded to 2 decimal places

PG-69 Donation custom amount validation feedback is badly styled

PG-68 Phone number is not validated properly

PG-66 Address Lookup not searching other countries

PG-64 The address search populates the address block as comma delimited address lines instead of separate lines.

PG-60 Other payment method missing for Braintree

PG-59 Check donation form validation for required fields

PG-58 Auto group button should be in the other listview (right aligned)

PG-57 Address lookup search button is not styled properly


PG-97 As a donor, I need to know if my email address doesn’t work, so I know that my payment was successful.

PG-95 As a developer, I want entities to be restricted, so that the app is secure

PG-91 As a batch user, I need my BBCRM profile associated with my account so I don’t need to keep selecting it

PG-87 As a SUPPORTER CARER, I want to be able to leave feedback in Jira, so that the developers can read it.

PG-67 As a supporter care user, I need the scanned documents checkbox to be true when I add a media link

PG-65 On behalf validation

PG-61 As a support care user, I need a donation on behalf of someone else to generate Recognition Credits in the Revenue batch so they get recognition

PG-56 As SUPPORTER CARE, I need donations coming off the PG to have a GAD, so that we can claim Gift aid

PG-55 As SUPPORTER CARE, I need donations coming off the PG to have inbound channel set to “ShelterBox website”, so I know where they came from

PG-54 As FUNDRAISING, I need donations coming off the PG to have the correct source code, so I can track efforts

PG-53 As FINANCE, I need donations coming off the PG to have the financial period

PG-52 As SUPPORTER CARE, I need the donations coming off the PG to be marked as ‘Internal’, so that I know where they came from

PG-49 As a supporter care user, I need donations grouping for batches so I can process different types of donations

PG-47 As a donor, I need to be able to donate on behalf of a group or organisation so I can say who the money came from

PG-46 As a donor, I need to be able to donate on behalf of someone else so I can say who the money came from

PG-45 As SUPPORTER CARER, I need Appeal and designation codes to be editable so I can correct the data

PG-44 As a BRAND PERSON, I need the mobile styling to match the template, so that it is on brand.

PG-41 As a SUPPORTER CARER, I need phone numbers to be validated, so that I don’t have to correct them later.

PG-40 As a SUPPORTER CARER, I need email addresses to be validated, so that I don’t have to correct them later.

PG-39 As a SUPPORTER CARER, I need postal addresses to be validated, so that I don’t have to correct them later.

PG-30 As a DONOR, I need an appropriate thank you page, so that the I know the process has succeeded

PG-28 As a FUNDRAISER, I need an appropriate email sent to the donor, so that they are thanked.

PG-25 As a BRAND PERSON, I need the desktop styling to match the template, so that it is on brand.

PG-24 As a supporter carer, I need a media link to be created to show the GAD associated with this donation

PG-22 As a SUPPORTER CARER, I want to only have to interact with one app, so that I am not confused.

PG-21 As a SUPPORTER CARER, I need the system to prevent and fix errors, so that my time is not wasted.

PG-20 As a SUPPORTER CARER, I need to have an easy to use way to process donations, so that my time is not wasted.

PG-19 As a DONOR, I need the behaviour of the system to be intuitive, so that I am not confused.

PG-18 As a DONOR, I need the styling of the system to match that of the website, so that I am not put off.

PG-17 As a DONOR, I need my bank account information to be pushed to CRM, so that my Direct Debit can be processed.

PG-16 As a DONOR, I need to be able to enter my bank account information, so that I can set up a Direct Debit.

PG-15 As a DONOR, I need the Braintree integration to be made into a proper widget, so that it is reliable.

PG-14 As a DEVELOPER, I need to get rough version of Braintree working, so that I can understand the API.

PG-5 As a SUPPORTER CARER, I need to create a Revenue batch, so that I can import direct debits into CRM

PG-4 As a SUPPORTER CARER, I need to create a Revenue batch, so that I can import card payments into CRM

PG-3 As a SUPPORTER CARER, I need to create a Solicit code batch, so that I can import communication preferences into CRM

PG-2 As a SUPPORTER CARER, I need to create a constituent batch, so that I can import constituents to CRM

PG-1 As a DEVELOPER, I need an action to create and edit batches in CRM, so that I can use it to implement other stuff.