
This document should be used by developers to keep tests consistent and inform others how to test effectively.

Manual testing

Peer review

Peer review consists of two parts:

  1. Test app functionality against acceptance criteria,
  2. and code review against Mendix coding standards

Quality assurance

  • Plan: Preparing thoughtful tests that address potential concerns and standards
  • Do: Executing your tests under a variety of conditions
  • Check: Evaluating your product and identifying opportunities for improvement
  • Act: Addressing any vulnerabilities revealed during tests

User acceptance testing

User acceptance testing is the final stage of the SDLC. The stakeholders will carry out black-box testing on the release candidate in an acceptance environment to make sure that they are happy with the changes done.

Automated testing

Functional unit test (Mendix Module)


Front-end test (Cypress JS)



Black-box testing

Black box testing involves testing a system with no prior knowledge of its internal workings.

White-box testing

White box testing involves testing the internal structure or workings of the system.


Software development lifecycle